All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 33 of 33 in total
Should I Rely on Residuals? Plus White Mold Concerns, Soil Fertility Recommendations, Harvest and Yield Reports, and More
In this podcast episode, we hear from three agronomists with updates on soybean and corn harvest and their concerns for the upcoming season. Bayer Agronomist, Jim Donn...
Weekly Headlines: Harvest Highlights, Weather Outlook, and Opposing EPA's Herbicide Strategy
Kelsey Litchfield discusses the agronomy headlines of the week from In this episode, she shares a harvest update from the Illinois Soy Envoys, explor...
A Harvest Roller Coaster: Illinois Soy Envoys Share Crop Updates
This year's harvest has brought a wide range of yields so far, from disappointing to outstanding, in both soybeans and corn. The Illinois Soy Envoys offer a wide-rangi...