Rainfall...And Replant?

In this episode, the Soy Envoys provide an overview of recent rainfall across various regions of Illinois with reports ranging from ½ inch to 5 inches. They discuss emerging concerns such as replant considerations for soybeans, disease in wheat fields, and seedling diseases. Looking ahead, they advise on replanting decisions and caution against making major switches in crop too soon. Throughout the discussion, they emphasize the importance of recalibration in planters and proper tillage practices. 
The guests in today’s podcast include Craig Grafton, Bayer Crop Science; Drew Beckman, Beck’s Hybrids; Kelly Robertson, Precision Crop Services LLC; Karen Corrigan, McGillicuddy Corrigan Agronomics; Eric Beckett, Illini FS; Shelby Weckel, Ehler Brothers Seed; and Stephanie Porter, Illinois Soybean Association. Today’s podcast was hosted by Kelsey Litchfield, Agronomic Outreach Specialist for Illinois Soybean Association.
Rainfall...And Replant?
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